
As ADSM is going out of support from the 31/01/2001, we are planning to
migrate our ADSM OS/390 server from ADSM V3.1 level 2.56 to TSM V3.7 in the
next few weeks. I have been reading up on how you do this in the Quick-start
guide, but as theory is not the same as experience, I was wondering if
anyone had done this already and had any useful hints or plans they were
willing to share...?

For background, we are quite large users of this product (our production
server's database is over 30GB in size) and have the ADSM product libraries
on the sysres rather than as a stand-alone product.

Any help/advice will be gratefully received!!
Thanks, Lisa.

Lisa Major
GTO Enterprise Servers and Databases - OS/390 Infrastructure
Halifax Group Plc
Tel : (01422 8) 30220
Post ref : CY/W1/GTO/ESD/LEM
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