
I believe the phrase used with regards to backupsets is "self-describing".

I tried this:
Created a backupset, sending it to tape.
Checked the tape out of the library
Issued the Q Backupsetcontent command for that backupset.

I saw mount request messages start to appear in the activity log, and if
when I cancelled the request, the command failed, as below.

ANR8308I 001: DLT volume X00078 is required for use in library OVERLAND;
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME required within 56 minutes.
ANR2017I Administrator TBYRNE issued command: CANCEL REQUEST 1
ANR8342I Request 001 for volume X00078 canceled by TBYRNE.
ANR8342I Request 001 for volume X00078 canceled by TBYRNE.
ANR8313E Volume X00078 is not present in library OVERLAND.
ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume X00078 - volume unavailable.
ANR3517E Send Object Set: Error encountered in accessing data storage -
required volume was not mounted.
ANR2032E QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS: Command failed - internal server error

It would be convenient if this information were also stored in the
database, but I suspect there would be a performance and database size
penalty to pay if this were the case...

Hope this helps,

Ted Byrne

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