ADSM on VM uses MDISK (mini-disks) formated with CMS mode 6 (direct to
block i/o) and MVS doesn't. (I know, I used ADSM on VM before
going to 3466/NSM (AIX). Although VM is OS VOL aware , the last I
heard its still READ-ONLY.
So how would you propose transferring the binaries for R/W use?
Nod ganna dowit.
The redeeming factor (I think) is total tape compatibility.
So (I think) you can use your current tape pools on MVS over on VM.
And you can do a DUMP DB on MVS tape and get it read-in on VM
I say "I think" because proof is in the pudding and I don't cook MVS. :-)
I would be more adventursum and try transferring the DB by disk-ftp-disk
instead. In fact since the file FTP'd would look very much like the MVS
file you might actually be able to coax VM to read in the DB backup( flat
file from an OS Volume.)
Well that's my 'brainstorming'. Hope I wasn't to caustic! :-)
hope this helps !!!!! ... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Talafous, John G. wrote:
> I have an ADSM 3.1 server running on OS390 2.8. The OS390 2.8 machine, a
> 9672-R45, is running pretty much at capacity. Actually, we've shut down ADSM
> and find that we are at about 90-95% CPU utilization. Not a lot of room for
> ADSM. We have a shared DASD environment between our OS390 and VM machines.
> The VM machine is a 9672-R35 with about 30% CPU capacity to spare. So, my
> question is....
> Other than ADSM server licensing and software installation, how difficult
> would it be to install ADSM 3.1 on the VM system and bring it up there using
> the existing ADSM DBvolumes and Storage Pools?
> I know there are some issues involving the life expectancy of both ADSM 3.1
> and *SM on any VM system. Consider this a brainstorming question. Any
> suggestions and comments would be most welcome.
> John G. Talafous IS Technical Principal
> The Timken Company Phone: (330)-471-3390
> P.O. Box 6927 Fax : (330)-471-4034
> 1835 Dueber Ave. S.W.
> Canton, Ohio USA 44706-0927