>Overall, though, you need an AIX person there to be looking
>after your AIX
>system: working on root volume group file systems as a casual
>tourist is
>   Richard Sims, BU


Everyone take a deep breath before you laugh....I am the AIX person.

I'm sure you all started with the same knowledge of AIX as me. I know I'm
very much lacking in this area, but I got this server dumped on me without
any notice. I'm just one of the NT guys and could take care of ADSM/TSM
easily if it were on that OS. Unfortunately it's not...or should I say

Not only do I feel AIX is a better platform for TSM, it has given me a
chance to expand my knowledge. From what I can tell AIX is not as widespread
as many of the Unix platforms, and I don't know anything about them either,
but it still seems like a stable and robust OS.

The company has given me an IBM education card that allows me to take as
many classes as I want in the next year. I don't know how many I can shove
into this pea brain during that time, with all the work I have to do, but I
plan on using the first book at least. Hopefully I can learn enough to get

I'm not one to go off and start mucking around in an area I have no
knowledge of. That's why I call AIX support and am constantly asking, what
may seem to some, simple little questions. But I'd rather look stupid asking
them instead of looking stupid rebuilding something I screwed up because I
didn't ask.

As always, thanks for all the help. You guys are great.

Geoff Gill
NT Systems Support Engineer
Computer Systems Group
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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