
I need to know the best procedure to follow with regards to stg pool backups and db 

Let me tell you what we are doing:-

Most of our backups take place overnight between midnight and 6am. (Only a few 
non-critical during the day).
Storage pool backups are taken at 8am (with NO DB backup)
Storage pool backups are taken again at 13:00 WITH DB backup (just before our tapes go 
Storage pool backup are taken again at 18:00 (with NO DB backup)

I understand that you SHOULD take a db backup immediately after storage pool backups, 
so maybe we should just do the one backup of everything EARLY morning?...The reason I 
do the db backup IMMEDIATELY before we send the tapes off, is that at least we then 
know that we can recover up to the time the tapes go off...

Anyone have any better recommendations or suggestions?.

Kind Regards,

Roy Lake
TBG European IT
Tel: 0208 526 8883

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