You could try "Q act msg=#### " instead of " q ev"
Leo Humar
LCS Pty Ltd
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-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Swan/TM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 September 2000 3:21
Subject: Question on event logging and exceptions.
>To keep on top of backup failures, I have written a small perl scrip that
>does a "q ev" every ten minutes, and pages me if there is an exception.
>has just ocurred to me, however, that often backups do not become
>marked as an exception until long after they were expected to start.
>In the case of a missed backup, I gather that it won't be registered as an
>exception until after the "duration window" has been exceeded. Is this
>assumption correct?
>In the case of a failure, I gather that ADSM keeps on trying until the
>"duration window" has been exceeded, and isn't report until after that
>window is exceeded... is this assumption correct?
>My point being this: If a backup is scheduled to start at 2am, and has a
>duration window of four hours, and it misses or fails, this isn't recorded
>in the event log until 6am, is it? (And if so, it's little late to
>react, so maybe my JIT pager reaction scheme is a bit flawed).
>Any help appreciated.
>Thanks all,