We are running TSM on a OS/390 platform.  The LPAR that our
production TSM runs in has four different connections.  Two are reachable by
different host names & 2 by IP address only.  Clients connect in based on
what network they are connecting in from.  Three connections come in on a
OSA/2 adapters, the fourth is the corporate FDDI.  The fourth connection is
only used for our non-critical AIX systems and desktop clients.

-----Original Message-----
From: Coles, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 1:35 PM
Subject: TCPIP parameters for TSM on OS/390
Sensitivity: Private

I am in the process of replacing my ADSM 3.1.24 on AIX with TSM 4.1 on
OS/390. I have the system up an running on the test LPAR and it is working
quite well. However when we put TSM in the production LPAR and attempted to
do some backups and restores we found the transfer rate had dropped tenfold.

The OS/390 system is connected to the LAN via a 3172 (production - default),
and two Cisco CIP cards (soon to be production). We found that even though
the clients may point to an address associated with on of the Cisco CIP
cards the path taken back to the client from the OS/390 system is via
TCPIP's default path, the 3172. We will soon be changing the default to on
of the Cisco CIP cards, but we will still be sharing the band with all of
our end-users. This will not be a problem doing the night backups, but for
the file restores the speed is less than desirable.

So my question is, is there a parameter setting that I can point TSM to use
a specified IP address for its communication back to the client?

Thanks in advance,
Peter Coles
Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

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