I am attempting to sort out the support status of four Solaris client systems. I found a Web site related to Solaris support that states that Sun has two different conventions for Solaris 2 level numbers. Documentation and labels on distribution media use 'Solaris 2.x' for some value of 'x'. The uname command reports 'Sun OS 5.x'. I don't have accounts on all four Solaris systems, and hence I can't run the uname command myself in all cases. I have been checking the data my OS/390 server reports for these clients. It appears that the clever people who developed ADSM chose to split the difference between the two conventions. The 'Platform' field in the output from 'query node' with 'f=d' is 'SUN SOLARIS' for all four systems. The 'Client OS level' field is '5.6' for three of the systems and '5.5.1' for the fourth. Can I safely infer that the first three are really Solaris 2.6 and that the fourth is really Solaris 2.5.1? The ADSM client level is on all four systems.