This should be fully documented in the README file.
The 4.1 server has a different licensing scheme than the 3.7 version of the
The 3.7 licenses are not recognized by 4.1. You need to do the REGISTER LICENSE
commands on the 4.1 server.
The current architecture of the license manager is any new version will have
a different license scheme than the older versions of the server. The newer
version will not recognize the older licenses. My suggestion is to put all of
REGISTER LICENSE commands in a file. This way you can run that file
as a macro to re-regsister licenses as needed. You will also see something in
README file about performance and the size of your nodelock file if you are
running NT or AIX. Before you register the licenses I recommend you delete
your nodelock file to get rid of the old license strings that are no longer
valid. The server will eat up CPU cycles to decode those old license strings
it will just end up ignoring because they are for an older server version.
>Not suprising (argh!).....any info in the README files? (it wouldn't suprise me
>if there weren't....)...
>When I get to it AND if I see the same symptoms when I upgrade to 4.1 AND if
>there's no info in any readme....I'll open yet another etr/pmr...
>Anyway...hopefully you have your *.lic files (we're aix...server)...they are
>in the /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin directory (usually...):
>then the command
>register lic file=/usr/fivoli/tsm/server/bin/50client.lic
>(for example).
>FYI Thanks Tim
>>I just upgraded my TSM Server 3.7.3 to 4.1.1 from the TSM FTP site. All went
>>well except for the license information. License information shows that I do
>>not have any valid licenses. Server Utilities shows that my licenses are
>>What do I need to do so that I can get this thing working? I do have a two
>>software subscription so this should not be a problem.
David Bohm
TSM server development