> What does the number of objects examined during inventory expiration
> include?

ADSM differentiates between active and inactive backup files. A backup file is
always active when it first arrives from a client. A backup file changes to
inactive when the ADSM server finds out that the corresponding client file has
been updated or deleted. An inactive backup file is retained until inventory
expiration processing discovers that it no longer meets the retention criteria
for its management class. Earlier postings to this list indicate that
information about active and inactive backup files is stored in different
parts of the ADSM database, with different trade-offs between compactness and
fast access. As far as I can tell, inventory expiration does not look at the
portion of the database used for active backup files. On our system, the
number of objects examined by inventory expiration is in good agreement with
estimates of the number of inactive backup files. I am not sure how archived
and space-managed files fit into this scheme of things. We currently have no
space-managed files, and very few archived files in comparison to the number
of inactive backup files.

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