Hi all.

A while ago I reported this problem. Its fixed now and I thought I'd pass
on what the fix was.

"Bob Bennett from Tivoli has rung back with a fix for our TCP/IP protocol
error problem. He said this fix is mentioned in the 3.7 manuals but not

In /etc/inittab we are starting the scheduler with:
dsmc::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched                               # ADSM

When any output comes from the scheduler the TCP/IP protocol error is

The fix is to start the scheduler with:
dsmc::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1    # TSM scheduler

Apparently you MUST pipe the output to /dev/null."


---------------------- Forwarded by Rik Foote/WestpacTrust/NZ on 13/09/2000
08:10 ---------------------------

From: Rik Foote on 04/08/2000 08:33

To:   "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  TCP/IP errors?  (Document link not converted)

Hi all.

Running ADSM on Solaris 2.6, client is

We are getting these errors quite frequently in the dsmerror.log. They
happen every 5 seconds for a few hours then taper off to every 20 minutes.

08/01/2000 03:19:39 TcpRead(): recv(): errno = 131
08/01/2000 03:19:39 sessRecvVerb: Error -50 from call to 'readRtn'.
08/01/2000 03:19:39 QueryPendingSchedule(): optSendQuery(): reasoncode =
08/01/2000 03:19:39 ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IP connection failure

A bounce of the client dsmc sched task seems to set it all right again, but
often this cannot be done until we arrive at work in the morning (no 7x24
monitoring). Which is too late to complete overnight backups,

I have asked our LAN/network guys to look into why it might be occurring,
and they will be getting back to me soon I hope.

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so what was the cause/solution?

Thanks in advance.

Rik Foote
Storage Management
WestpacTrust Bank
New Zealand
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