we check events form scheduler and also messages ANE4007E from activity log
every morning. Server administrators get then emails about the errors during
the night.


René Lambelet
Nestec S.A. / Informatique du Centre 
55, av. Nestlé  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) 
*+41(021) 924 3543  7 +41 (021) 924 4589  * B 133
Visit our site: http://www.nestle.com

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> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 7:32 PM
> Subject:      Client Monitoring and Reporting
>     I just became responsible for a large, multi-TSM
> Server environment with 1200+ client nodes.  Most of
> the backups are scheduled via the scheduler.  Our
> policy has always been that each client-owner would
> check the dsmsched.log to ensure that their backups
> ran successfully.  However, as we continue to grow
> this is becoming too time-consuming.  I am being asked
> to provide an automated monitoring solution that will
> report on both successful and failed backups,
> including skipped files, etc.
>     I am interested in learning what other shops have
> implemented for client monitoring.
> EJ - Ed Jones
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