I am trying to restore a file from the ADSM Web client for a NT4.0 server.
It tells me that 1 file was found and 1 file was restored in the status box
but then an error comes up and says file not found. When I look at the
dsmerror.log on that server I see the following error. Does anyone know what
it means and how I can resolve it.

08/31/2000 14:48:58 hlClose(): Compression of  'E:\CSTUsers\MAILRM' failed,
DeviceIoControl: Win32 RC=6 .
08/31/2000 14:48:58 TransWin32RC(): Win32 RC 5 from HlClose():
08/31/2000 14:48:58 hlClose(): Access denied attempting to restore NTFS
Security Attributes on object 'E:\CSTUsers\MAILRM'.
08/31/2000 14:48:58 hlClose(): Default NTFS Security Attributes have been

ADSM Web client
ADSM Server


Susan Wright
Operations Specialist
Lab Safety Supply
608-757-4840 (voice)
608-757-4652 (fax)
12:00 pm - 8:30 pm CST.

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