To all:

This is a trivial question compared to what has been discussed here:

Those of you who use the IE 5 web browser to interface with ADSM will know this:

I recently lost the ability for the "events window" on the web browser to
display a larger pop-up window when the length of the event message goes beyond
the event line window.

In other words, the "events pop-up window" will expand to display a large length
event message.

I can't figure out how to make it expand like it did before.

I have set the IE explorer back to its defaults.

IE 5 &/5.5.

Any ideas??



Ken Sedlacek
Information Technology Infrastructure
Kyrus Corporation
W: 864-244-7051 x2260
Cell: 864-444-8375
Text Page: 864-444-7243, follow prompts
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