
could anyone please shed some light on this ? We have a RS/6000
with 4GB memory running AIX 4.3.3.

The TSM client 3.7.2 backups to ADSM/VM server and runs
out of memory after about 50-100GB of data, whether parameter
'memoryefficientbackup' is yes or no.

IBM is working on this for a while without any resolves
meanwhile we are hacking our data into handy pieces to get them
backuped - a big trouble for us and for TSM on our side.

The bigger trouble was 2 days ago - a power failure killed 2 HDAs
in the raid and data went off.

We set up dsmc restore -su=yes -fromdate=08/21/2000 .....  to get
the working data back quicker than by a complete restore.

With parameter -FROMDATE= the files got restored to root-user
regardless of the original user rights and the origin filedate
was changed to this fromdate setting.

And last but not least the complete restore took 16 hours for 59GB
and ---- guess what happens ---- runs out of memory, Sh... .

The AIX box has to be rebooted because of NFS failure.

Freundliche Gruesse  - kind regards

Werner Sailer
J. Eberspaecher GmbH & Co.     Internet: http://www.eberspaecher.de
Kaufm. Rechenzentrum           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eberspaecherstr. 24            phone: +49-711-939-0972   fax: -0668
D-73730 Esslingen              Germany

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