No, you are not seeing double. This is a closely related project to the one
I just sent. Basically a team of 6 people will collaborate to produce a
redbook (covering just Tivoli SAN Management software) and workshop
materials (covering the SAN Management software as well as topics related
to using TSM in a SAN environment).
Again, unfortunately because this is working with un-announced products, we
can only accept nominations from IBM, Tivoli and Business Partners.

Regards, Charlotte
Ph (408) 927-3641 Fax (408) 927-3616 T/L 8-457-3641
Project Leader, Storage Management, ITSO Almaden
---------------------- Forwarded by Charlotte Brooks/Almaden/IBM on
08/16/2000 10:27 AM ---------------------------
(Embedded image moved to file: pic26428.pcx)

From: ITSO Admin on 08/15/2000 09:24 PM EDT

To:   ITSO Mailing List
cc:    (bcc: Charlotte Brooks/Almaden/IBM)
Subject:  Residency Announcement:  ST-0540 Managing a SAN Environment:
      Workshop Material

Residency Announcement:  ST-0540 Managing a SAN Environment: Workshop

Benefits to Resident:  The residency will provide a unique opportunity for
hands-on exploration of the new products and features of Tivoli SAN
management software in our ITSO multi-vendor SAN lab using pre-GA code. It
includes close interaction with development for skill transfer and constant
review, and focused project work in a dynamic team environment. The
resident will gain first-hand product knowledge and unique hands-on
experience in a risk-free lab environment. This knowledge will be
particularly important to residents where consultancy and services are

This San Jose residency begins 02 Oct 2000, ends 10 Nov 2000 (6 weeks), and
requires 2 residents.  Please submit nominations by 05 Sep 2000.

Description:  This workshop will be based on the results of two IBM Redbook
residencies, Managing a SAN, and Tivoli Storage Manager in a SAN
Environment. Under SAN Management, it will describe how a SAN Fabric and
attached storage systems can be managed using the upcoming Tivoli SAN
management software products. Managed components to be discussed include
SAN fabric devices and links (including FC-AL, hubs, switches, routers) as
well as resources, such as hosts, disks, and tapes. Configuration concepts
such as zoning, storage assignment and LUN-masking will be described.
In addition, topics related to Tivoli Storage Manage in a SAN environment,
including LAN-free backup and tape library sharing, will be included.
This workshop will cover the element and network layers of the Tivoli
management model.

Objectives:  The objective of the residency is to produce workshop
materials "Managing a SAN Environment",  which will cover the Tivoli SAN
Management products. The workshop documents installation, implementation,
customization, and exploitation of this product in a heterogenous SAN
environment, as well as integration/co-existence with specific hardware and
software such as IBM ESS and SANergy. It also covers usage of Tivoli
Storage Manager in a SAN environment, specifically the concepts of LAN-free
backup and tape library sharing.

The residency will include hands-on exploration of the new products and
features in our ITSO multi-vendor SAN lab, a close interaction with
development for skill transfer and constant review, and focused project
work in a dynamic team environment. The resident will gain early first-hand
product knowledge and hands-on experience in a risk-free lab environment.

This project team will consult with the project team of ST-0525 in order to
jointly prepare the IBM Redbook "Tivoli SAN Management: A Practical Guide".

This residency is suitable for Business Partners and IBMers.

A basic requirement for all residents is the ability to read and clearly
express concepts and procedures in common English.

Resident Prerequisites:  An important requirement for this residency is
practical experience in designing, implementing, and managing heterogeneous
SAN environments. General storage management and network management skills
are also desirable. Residents should have worked on solving specific SAN
management problems and be prepared to develop solutions using the new
software. It is beneficial for candidates to have participated in multiple
concrete projects (please give details in nomination). At least one
resident should also have substantial Tivoli Storage Manager skills and
experience. Because of the nature of the deliverables (Technical Guide
redbook and workshop material), good graphical and conceptual communication
skills are crucial. Fluent English, both oral and written, is a

Skill levels below are from 5 to 1, where 5 = expert skill and 1 = no

You personally do not have to have all of these skills to be considered a
good candidate for this residency.  The project leader will match your
skills with that of the other nominations to put together the best team

Skills Needed:

|Skill Area                        |Skill|
|                                  |Level|
|Spoken and written English        |  4  |
|Storage and data management in a  |  5  |
|SAN environment                   |     |
|SAN implementation and management |  5  |
|NT/Windows2000 administration,    |  4  |
|especially storage management     |     |
|Sun Solaris administration,       |  4  |
|especially storage management     |     |
|AIX administration, especially    |  4  |
|storage management                |     |
|Tivoli Framework                  |  3  |
|Tivoli Storage Manager            |  4  |
|implementation                    |     |
|Network management, especially    |  3  |
|Tivoli NetView                    |     |

Documentation Skills Needed:

|Documentation Skill Area          |Skill|
|                                  |Level|
|Ability to communicate concepts   |  4  |
|graphically                       |     |
|Desktop publishing products,      |  3  |
|especially FrameMaker and         |     |
|Freelance                         |     |

These documentation skills are desirable, but not critical, for acceptance
into this residency.  The only definite requirement is a readiness to learn
and to handle your own data entry needs.

Nominees should have the approval of their managers before submitting a
nomination.  ITSO sends e-mail acknowledgements of all nominations.

Nominations should be complete and detailed.  The more information you
provide about your experience and qualifications, the better your chances
of being selected.

If you have access to IBM Intranet, please click on this link to go
directly to this announcement and its online nomination form.
You can also go to the ITSO Intranet site at and
click on the residencies link to see all current residency announcements
and submit nominations online.

If you do not have IBM Intranet access, please complete the form below and
send it to ITSO Administration. Since e-mail nominations are processed
automatically, it helps if you keep the field labels unchanged.

          Notes ID: ITSO Admin/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS
          Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Residency ST-0540-R: Managing a SAN Environment: Workshop Material

 First name*:           |
 Last name*:            |
 Position or job title*:|
 E-mail or Notes ID*:   |
 Telephone number:      |
 Fax number:            |
 Company name*:         |
 Business address:      |
 Country*:              |
 Nominee's manager*:    |
 Manager's e-mail or    |
 Notes ID*:             |
 Please identify        |
 yourself as belonging  |
 to one of the following|
 groups                 |
 Customer, Business     |
 Partner, Solution      |
 Developer, IBMer,      |
 Educational Institution|
 or Other*:             |
 IBM contact for        |
 non-IBMers (if any):   |
    and IBM contact's   |
 e-mail:                |
 Fields above marked
 with * are required.

Skill levels below are from 5 to 1, where 5 = expert skill and 1 = no


|                                  |         |Skill |
|                                  |         |Level |
|                                  |Requested|Actual|
|Skill Area                        |         |      |
|Spoken and written English        |    4    |      |
|Storage and data management in a  |    5    |      |
|SAN environment                   |         |      |
|SAN implementation and management |    5    |      |
|NT/Windows2000 administration,    |    4    |      |
|especially storage management     |         |      |
|Sun Solaris administration,       |    4    |      |
|especially storage management     |         |      |
|AIX administration, especially    |    4    |      |
|storage management                |         |      |
|Tivoli Framework                  |    3    |      |
|Tivoli Storage Manager            |    4    |      |
|implementation                    |         |      |
|Network management, especially    |    3    |      |
|Tivoli NetView                    |         |      |

Documentation Skills:

|                                  |         |Skill |
|                                  |         |Level |
|                                  |Requested|Actual|
|Skill Area                        |         |      |
|Ability to communicate concepts   |    4    |      |
|graphically                       |         |      |
|Desktop publishing products,      |    3    |      |
|especially FrameMaker and         |         |      |
|Freelance                         |         |      |

The above documentation skills are desirable, but not critical, for
acceptance into this residency.  The only definite requirement is a
readiness to learn and to handle your own data entry needs.

|Previous experience:                                         |
|                                                             |
|                                                             |
|Previous residency experience:                               |
|                                                             |
|                                                             |
|Other pertinent information:                                 |
|                                                             |
|                                                             |

Provide as much detail in the above fields as possible.

For especially well qualified nominees, the dates and duration of this
residency are negotiable.

|Residency Start:         |   02 Oct 2000    |
|Residency End:           |   10 Nov 2000    |
|Duration:                |     6 weeks      |
|Number of Residents:     |   2 residents    |
|Nominations Close:       |   05 Sep 2000    |
|Candidate Selection:     |   06 Sep 2000    |

Location:  San Jose CA

Leader: Charlotte Brooks, San Jose ITSO Center
    Notes ID: Charlotte Brooks/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Manager: Charlie Ludeman, San Jose ITSO Center
    Notes ID: Charlie Ludeman/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS
    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ITSO will pay approved business travel and living expenses for residency
participants based on IBM guidelines and Travel policy.  Complete
reimbursement guidelines will be provided in the ITSO Residency Acceptance
Letter.   For more detailed information about ITSO and about ITSO
residencies, see

You may be interested in these related ITSO residencies:

02 Oct 2000 - 10 Nov 2000     ST-0525: Managing a SAN Fabric

Customers and Business Partners can see IBM Redbooks and Redpieces online
at  Also available are special features, free
services, useful links, open residencies, and online nomination forms.
Visit this amazing site and then tell a friend.

Employees of IBM, Lotus, or Tivoli will prefer using the IBM Intranet site

For e-mail notifications about new IBM Redbooks, register and subscribe at

Important:  Even if you cannot be a resident now, perhaps you could provide
or point us to appropriate, already-existing materials as potential input
to our development efforts.  We would appreciate your help in identifying
any useful material that can be expanded, referenced, or included as is.
If the material significantly contributes to the produced redbook, we will
acknowledge your assistance and may even name the creator as a contributing
author.  We believe that your help will leverage the value of the
already-existing materials and will result in better redbooks produced in
shorter cycle times.

The ITSO Residency program has been honed over many years to provide the
maximum benefit to residents and their businesses.  IBM organizations,
Business Partners, and customers that have provided residents report that
the returning employee has gained significant new skills to enable them to
support IBM's latest products.  These skills can be employed either
directly for services generation or indirectly in technical support of the
sales effort.  Furthermore, the contacts made by the resident within the
development community and with the other residents are invaluable in
keeping these skills up-to-date.

- - -
You received this because you are registered with IBM Redbooks and
subscribed for our e-mail service.  To unsubscribe, reply to this note with
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.  Alternatively, visit IBM Redbooks on the
Internet at and update your registration and e-mail
subscription online.   For assistance, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Employees of IBM, Lotus, and Tivoli will prefer using the IBM Intranet at


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