
     Anyone out there running an ADSM MVS server on the same LPAR with JES3
global - in a global/local complex?  Any performance problems associated?   We
recently set up a new LPAR, on which nothing much is planned to run except for
basic MVS, ADSM and another home-grown application that uses TCP/IP.  I should
state that the cpu is only 100 mips.  We moved ADSM over with nothing else there
but JES3 global and JES3CI, and suffered enormous performance problems on the
first full night of scheduled backups.  We have identified some network issues
that have contributed to a degree, but are wondering if there is any catch to
running a large ADSM server on the same system with JES3 global?  Our server
database is 25 GB in size, and we have about 300 clients - a mixture of mostly
UNIX, NT, Novell and some desktop.

     Please respond to me individually, as well as the list, if possible - since
I rarely get a chance to read the digest these days.



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