Hi Mark!

With collocation on for onsite and not for offsite,
I have found that the process of reclamation offsite tapes
reads just about every tape in my library.  I've thought about it:
every day, every user sends me some backup data.  I put it on their very
own tape (well not very own!) and hopefully before that, I put it on the
1/2 of a tape that's going to offsite.  So every offsite tape has every
user that's run a backup over a 2 day period. To 'reconstruct' that
offsite tape from onsite collocates means I gotta mount ever users-tape
that's on the tape.  I guess the fact I have rec=20 enters into too.
If you're rec'ing tapes at 80 instead it might not be as intensive.

It would be interesting to run
a select command to see if its true.  Let me know if you come up with one.

I'm running this to reclamate about 20 tapes (out of 160)
and I do it over a whole weekend and I mean WHOLE
(fri nite to mon a.m. sometimes)

cheers ... joe.f.

P.S>  say hello to Ann-Marie Marcoux for me!!! (kiss-kiss!)

Joseph A Faracchio,  Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Mark Brown wrote:

> Hello,
> When I turn on reclamation for a copypool where my OFFSITE tapes
> are adsm uses tapes from the primary tape pool to reclaim the offsite
> tapes.
> Does anyone have a script that can report what tapes from a primary pool
> will be asked for when reclaiming an offsite copypool????
> --
> Thank You,
> Mark Brown
> =======================================
> Operations Supervisor
> McGill University
> Computing Centre Operations
> Phone  :    514-398-2321
> WWW    :    http://mbrown.cc.mcgill.ca
> =======================================

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