I got kind'a miffed 'cause I had a 3GB log & wanted to add another logfile
(a 4 GB) so I could delete the 3GB
What I had to do was allocate a 1 GB log, add it, delete my 3GB log, add my
4 GB log, then delete my 1GB log
'cause remember... all that time I was sync'n up mirrors also
> ----------
> From: Richard Sims[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 2:14 PM
> Subject: Re: maximum size of recovery log
> >The admin guide states the maximum as being 5.5 GB, and the largest I
> could
> >set mine to was 5400 MB.
> From my ADSM functional directory (http://people.bu.edu/rbs):
> Recovery log, maximum size Per APAR IC15376, the recovery log
> should not exceed 5.5 GB (5440
> MB). But
> APAR IY09200 says that the maximum
> size
> is 5420 MB; and the max usable is
> 5416
> MB, allowing for control
> information.
> Richard Sims, BU