I see what you are talking about. It looks to me like when you pick a specific manual from the drop down list, such as the Admin Reference for the Windows server, it works okay. But if the desired book is already selected, the "Go" button isn't working. For example, the Installing the Clients book doesn't require you to pick a specific version; just click "Go", but you can't get to it. I can view the PDF manual for Installing the Clients if I do this: 1) Select the HTML version of Installing the Clients. Wait for the HTML version to appear. 2) Click the "Back" button on your browser to go back to the page where you selected the manual. 3) Click the Installing the Clients book, which should now have a default selection for the HTML book. Select the PDF version. It should display. At least it works for me. I will notify our web site admin about this problem. Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM/Tivoli Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked." Hi Carsten, I can download the Administrators Guide, Administrators Reference and Quick Start (all for AIX). For all the other manuals I have been unsuccessful as well. Kind regards, Thomas Rupp > -----Urspr
üngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Carsten Fenner [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 3. August 2000 20:37 > An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Betreff: TSM V4.1 Manuals > > Hallo! > > Has anybody been succesful in downloading the TSM V4.1 manuals from the > Tivoli-Homepage? I would like to have them in Acrobat Reader-Format but > had > no succes at all! > > Kind Regards, > > Carsten Fenner