
I did it .

tsm: TSM>update node SUNTEST do=sun
ANR2063I Node SUNTEST updated.

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 08/03/2000 10:45:34 AM
Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400
To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400

Subject: Oggetto: Re: Deleting Node.

Hello !!!

The sintax is :   upd node SUNTEST  do=SUN

Good Luck!!!!

Alessio Prodon
Proud to use ADSM on AIX

Shekhar Dhotre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> il 03/08/2000 16.36.43

Per favore, rispondere a "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc:    (ccr: Alessio Prodon/Centro di Gestione/G-Net/IT)
Oggetto:  Re: Deleting Node.

Hi Matthis,
Can u pls. tell me what command i can issue for node name SUNTEST  to move from
policy domain Standard to policy domain SUN.
without lossing data.

ACSLS 5.3.2


"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 08/03/2000 10:29:04 AM
Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400
To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400

Subject: Re: Deleting Node.


when I understand your problem correctly, you want to move nodes to another
domain. therefore you don't have to delete the node, you just have to change the
policy domain for the node.

If you delete the node and newly define it, you have to delete all filespaces
and so you loose all your data stored. this is not needed. you can simply
change the
policy domain for the node and save all the data. but you should be aware that
loose all associations of schedules etc. you have to define new schedules for
new policy domain even if it has the same action and timing.


Shekhar Dhotre schrieb:

> Hi all,
> I was having only one policy domain standard, and all  AIX , Sun, NT, Novell ,
> Linux, Boxes was  registered in that domain.
> now i have created policy domains  for differnet  Plateforms  , and  same as
> above ,
> when i try to delte from standard policy domains:it says
>  Operation Results
> ANR2152E REMOVE NODE: Inventory references still exist for node SUNTEST.
> Failed!
> when i try to export and import it asks me filespace names , and volume names
> .( I think i cannot do this when we have only one TSM server, but i was trying
> different options )
> Operation Results
> ANR2474E IMPORT NODE: Input volume names must be specified with the
> VOLumenames= parameter.
> Failed!
> help me.
> thanks.

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