Andy Raibeck wrote, in part..
> The TSM 4.1 clients are supported only on TSM 3.7 and 4.1
> servers. Theoretically the 4.1 client might run on an ADSM
> 3.1 server, but such a configuration is UNSUPPORTED. This
> means that if you try to run the 4.1 client with a 3.1 server,
> it might work, but you do so at your own risk!!!
> Translation: Don't do it!
(not to Andy Raibeck...)
Translation: Tivoli will begrudgingly take your money for Tivoli
ADSM/VM v3.1, but won't test the v4.1 clients with it.
Maybe to attract and keep enough good workers to support what the
customers want, I should offer:
Bring your testing lab to Maine. People will love the summers here.
And in the winter ... How far can you go on a snowmobile with a full
tank of gas? (Not far enough to get a high-paying job like Tivoli execs
no doubt enjoy). Land cheap. Can arrange TIFs and other
incentives. Must be able to spell "VM" though. Never mind.
ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET University of Maine System