Since there has been so much discussion on this, I'll add my 2 cents. Here
at Cornell, we have a NIM server which we use for doing AIX installs. We
run a weekly script which causes mksysb backups to be made for all of our
AIX systems (about 30, I think). This is all implemented using ADSM, NIM,
mksysb, nfs, and 4 homegrown scripts. Here's how it works:
- On the NIM server, there is a large filesystem, /mksysb, which we export
to each of our AIX servers.
- A script called mksysb4all schedules the mksysb backup for each system,
in sequence (one at a time).
- for each system, the script mksysb2adsm is run, with a few parameters.
- The mksysb2adsm script issues an rsh/ssh to the target system to run a
script called mksysb2disk.
- mksysb2disk (running on the target system) checks a timestamp file (left
by a previous successful mksysb) to determine if a new mksysb is required
or not. If it is not required, it quickly exits. The determination is
made based on the number of days which have passed, and is one of the
parameters. We configure this to encourage mksysb backups to occur on a
weekend, but if they don't for some reason, then they will happen on a
weekday, if enough days have passed.
- mksysb2disk will nfs mount the /mksysb filesystem from our NIM server.
- mksysb2disk will then create a mksysb disk image on this nfs mounted
filesystem. Yes, I know NFS is not the most efficient protocol, but this
seems to work well enough for us.
- After the mksysb finishes, it leaves a timestamp file indicating when the
successful mksysb began, and returns control to mksysb2adsm (running back
on our NIM server).
- mksysb2adsm (running on nim) receives control back from the rsh/ssh to
the target system. Based on a passed parameter (from mksysb4all), it will
optionally archive the mksysb image and delete it. The mksysb achival
image is archived to a special nodename (DSNname.mksysb) for accounting
purposes. The mksysb image for our ADSM server is never
archived/deleted. It is always left on disk on our NIM server, in case we
need to re-build the ADSM server's rootvg.
- the archive images are archived directly into a tape storage pool, which
only contains these mksysb images. They all have the same retention period
(3 weeks), so we don't have to do any tape reclamation for this storage pool.
That's about it. It's not quite as robust as I'd like it to be (but I've
got some ideas on what to do about this, when I get some time), so I'd be
reluctant to share the scripts in their current state. If enough folks are
interested in this (email to me, directly, please) then maybe I can find
some time to clean up the scripts and post them somewhere. You WILL need
a NIM server to implement this, and that's another whole can of worms.
At 10:22 AM 7/27/2000 -0400, Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
>hi all,
> How to backup mksysb to TSM server?
>. is any way is there can we install crashed server from 'mksysb' which
>is in
>tapepool or copypool , like we do installation of RS/6000 Sp systems
>through NIM master server(can we configure TSM as a NIM master server?). it
>will be good solution cause then we dont need to install client code ,
>mksysb , bla -bla -bla..
>thanks in advance
>Shekhar DHotre.
>Systems Administrator.
>Bayer Diagnostics