I dont know if Tivoli officially supports these drives yet. In the STK manual 9840 Tape Drive Fibre Channel Installation, I think this is an STK CE type manual, toward the last it shows you how to make tape drive available to the aix machine. First it looks like you have the wrong drivers. You need the lpfc driver, This looks like the FC SCSI Lan driver, you need the lpfc driver. I think you can get this from Emulex, not sure if it is on their web site or not, but I think it is. Anyway you probably want to get rid of the FCP Lan drivers (unless you need them for another purpose), and get the lpfc drivers loaded, and then reboot and you should see a device lpfcN where N will be 0 or 1 or 2 depending on how many FC cards you have. so lets say you have an lpfc0 device Then you do a cfgmgr -v -l lpfc0 this will list off every address on the loop with a did: X sid: Y and lun: Z X will be the hardware address of the drive Y is the scsi id and Z is the lun. If you have more than one drive on the loop, you will have to look at the "did" on the drives by going thru the menus on the drive display on the led's on the drives and match up the did's and the sid's. So lets say your cfgmgr -v -l lpfc0 yealded did: 1 sid: 0 and lun: 0 you would then do a mkdev -c adsmtape -t 'ADSM-SCSI-MT' -s 'scsi' -p 'lpfc0' -w '0,0' -a block_size='0' This says make me a tape drive, use the adsmtape device driver, make it an ADSM-SCSI-MT type drive, it is scsi, on card lpfc0 at sid 0 and lun 0 block size 0 This thing looks just like a 9840 SCSI drive, as the lpfc driver makes it so. If you dont want to use the adsm driver then you could make an ost drive out of it and use the drive for non adsm things. As for acsls or not, that is a separate matter that has nothing to do with talking to the drive. the 9840 FC is no different than any other drive from the application to acsls or scsi media changer or libarary station/hsc point of view. Gary