With a recent version, I had used an uint32_t and thus introduced the
need for <stdint.h>. But it doesn't exist under APE on 9legacy.

I have removed it and hence the last publish version can be compiled,
installed and used under 9legacy.

Remainder: if you have not set things for TLS to work, and hence
https is failing, you can set:


(note the trailing /)

in order to instruct the package framework to use the KerGIS cache for sources
(you can also set it to whatever CTAN mirror you want to use: the
recipes are "live"; they generally work with the latest version on
CTAN; they are sure to work with the sources in the cache).

For LaTeX:

term% . which_kertex
term% KERTEX_PKG_SRC_SRV=http://downloads.kergis.com/kertex/pkg/src/
term% $KERTEX_SHELL $KERTEX_LIB/pkg/rcp/latex.sh -a install

will download (a bunch of things...), compile the format and install.

Then you can start using kertex/latex, kertex/dvips etc.
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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