I have a candidate hardware with a Realtek RTL8125 2.5Gb Ethernet
Controller PCI-E that is, generally, bundled with the 8169 and al.

Realtek publish drivers for various systems, so I retrieved the code
for FreeBSD to give it a look and try to add this new card to the
(9front) pc/ether8169.c driver:


But there are discrepancies between the 9front driver and the Realtek
FreeBSD modified one.

For example, when retrieving the macver, the Plan9 driver uses a
mask of:

HwveridMASK     = 0x7C800000

while the Realtek driver uses 0xFC800000

Since I'm discovering the code and this kind of task (adding a new
device to a driver), I may not grasp at first some technical reason
for doing so. Hence the question: is the mask different on purpose?
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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