On 3/3/25 21:44, ron minnich wrote:
> I am now able to run the HPC FTQ benchmark and get results, first time since 
> 2011. 
> The results are very, very good on my T420. Next step, see how it goes on a 
> server class machine.
> If anyone wants to help out, the rebase would be most welcome, as would 
> testing of your choice. 
> Taking a trap on an AC still does not work. I get around that by making sure 
> traps won't happen but ... would be nice to fix it.
> In NIX, we had a new rfork type which would let a process flip itself onto an 
> AC; it would be useful to bring that over. 
> Lots to do, whoever wants to help, we're open for business.

I did a quick rebase:


Didn't get a chance to test but maybe someone else can ensure that I 
cherry-pick'd everything correctly.


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