The new default branch is 9front.

I just pushed a commit that:
1. has the execac command use sysr1 for now
2. drops bootrc into a shell before root is mounted so you can poke around
and run execac
3. adds ratrace, execac, and date

When you build nix, look in systab.h, replace
[SYSR1] sysr1,
[SYSR1] sysexecac

it's just easier to coopt sysr1 for now

when you boot, make sure you have at least 2 cores; when it drops to a
shell, try this
execac -c 1 /bin/date
That would run /bin/date on core 1.

In a perfect world.

well ...
qunlock called with qlock not held, from 0xffffffff8021e5c2
qunlock called with qlock not held, from 0xffffffff8021e5c2


If you know how to debug qemu with gdb, well, here's a place to start.
Or just look at what's at that PC in the kernel, and see what it might be

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