On 1/23/25 16:49, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> Hello.
> Jacob Moody wrote in
>  <f6c74829-1192-4fc8-a474-318676655...@posixcafe.org>:
>  |On 1/22/25 23:37, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
>  |> Tomoaki AOKI wrote in
>  |>  <20250123074932.170b7959bca443a934599...@dec.sakura.ne.jp>:
>  |>|On Thu, 23 Jan 2025 07:40:50 +0900
>  |>|Tomoaki AOKI <junch...@dec.sakura.ne.jp> wrote:
>  |>|> On Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:31:56 -0700
>  |>|> Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>  |>|>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 2:11 PM Tomek CEDRO <to...@cedro.info> wrote:
>  |>|>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 5:49 PM Gleb Smirnoff <gleb...@freebsd.org> \
>  |>|>>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 09:30:09AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
>  |>|>>>> W> I think what you want is
>  |>|>>>> W>
>  |>|>>>> W> % git clone https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-src --depth=1 -b
>  |>|>>> releng/14.2
>  |>|>>>> W> --single-branch fred --bare
>  ...
>  |>|>>>> W> % git checkout releng/14.2
>  |>  ...
>  |>|>>>> I really like this plan. So before checkout .git is 337M and after
>  |>|>>> checkout
>  |>|>>>> it is 975M, which is made by actual sources + .git.
>  |>  ...
>  |>|>>> One question, would that imply git in base? :-)
>  |>|>> 
>  |>|>> Imply? No.
>  ...
>  |> The Plan9/9front people have -- btw -- created a Plan9-style
>  |> interface to git, which is funny it seems (filesystem plus minimal
> That is, an implementation of their own that is capable to
> interact with normal git packs and objects (i think).
>  |> programs using that, most are rc shell scripts.  I track their
>  |> repo via "normal" git (git://git.9front.org/plan9front/plan9front)
>  |> without problems since June 2021 says the file system.
>  ...
>  |> What i mean seems to be that these guys already have the knowledge
>  |> how to access the object database without any fancy and featureful
>  |> and fat environment, so if FreeBSD would do that then possibly
>  |> a simple from scratch checkout -- and nothing else -- would be
>  |> possible with only shell tools and a small binary that fetches the
>  |> blobs?  Maybe even only possible with a very specific tree, you
>  |> know?  As in a readily prepared recipe (could be compressed and
>  |> reside in the .git directory) that can be walked by the shell
>  |> script(s) and accessed by the super minimal blob fetcher?
>  |Only getting bits of this conversation it's hard to infer exactly what
>  |the goal is. Is the issue wanting to use git in a way that would require
>  |it to be present within the base system, but encountering issues with doing
>  |so due to licenses? The git present in 9front is MIT licensed, and \
>  |has already
>  |been used in part for OpenBSD's game of trees (got). I imagine taking \
> I think they tend to keep the base system more "clean" as in the
> past, making use of pkg and ports even for tools they effectively
> need, ie, all developers necessarily need git, but it is not part
> of the base system as cvs as been in the past, for example.
> License, they try to go BSD etc, and replace GPL etc software as
> BSD etc software can replace it.  There is GPL still, for example
> diff(1).
>  |whatever
>  |pieces are required to bootstrap what you want from git9 would be sensible.
>  |Git9 lacks some things (shallow clones for one), but is largely an entirely
>  |usable interface to git, so I imagine it would have everything you \
>  |need if not
>  |very close to what you need. That seems like a path forward, if people \
>  |don't
>  |mind doing the port work.
> I myself was only thinking of really only a simplemost program
> that works like "git show" aka "git cat-file".
> Ie, they have mtree(8) or could otherwise create a snapshot of
> the checked out tree at a specific git revision, noting access
> rights etc (though this normally is not stored except for X bit in
> git i think), symlinks etc etc for one.
> And then walking this list of files and only fetching the file
> content from the (single, aggressively gc'd) git object .pack /
> .rev / .idx combo, cat(1)ing it into the fs, you know.
> So "nothing but a simple fetch-the-blob-data" thing.

Sure, so you want the files out of the objects without the entirety of git(1).

> Like this no git(1) is needed at all to checkout a work tree from
> a repository with no checkout at all / that has checked out an all
> empty branch.
>  |If you're looking for more technical details of how git9 works Ori \
>  |did a write up
>  |for the IWP9 last year[0], which goes in to pretty good detail.
>  |
>  |[0] http://10e.iwp9.org/10iwp9proceedings.pdf
> Yes, i know; and thanks i have downloaded and read most of the
> stuff.  I was only hoping for a quick statement on how complicated
> the envisioned program would really be, from a person who went
> down that road on its own.  Or even, best, a "hey i have code
> which could be used for this with not much effort", you know..

>From my perspective it seems like you just want git/fs and then
to build whatever minimal tooling on top of that. All that git/fs
does is take the objects and present the actual files and trees
held within. The "hey I have code which can be used for this with
not much effort" _is_ git/fs, it doesn't do much more then that.
It's already fairly slim as-is:

cpu% wc -l /sys/src/cmd/git/fs.c
    922 /sys/src/cmd/git/fs.c

I thought this was all laid out pretty straight forward in the paper,
so that's why I thought you hadn't read it.


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