ron minnich <> writes: > So I got curious and found this: > > > and now I can't get a cellphone that runs plan 9 out of my head. > > Am I out of my head?
Are you out of your head? No. But the people who design modern- day phones and their OSes... are most certainly out of their minds. I looked into DIY cell phones, a few years back. All the DIY options were 3G. There were some 4G options offering SMS and INET, but I couldn't find any 4G options for voice. So, you can build your own 4G IoT device. But, since 3G is being phased-out, it's not going to be a "phone" you can talk actually on. (Which such absurd-sounding sentence testifies to the aforementioned madness of modern cell phone technology!) Note that, when I say I "looked into" DIY cellphones, I mean I did a DEEP dive... trying to match parts from this company with parts from some other company... trying to cobble together something which could work. And I failed. To save you the trouble, the primary obstacle was the audio path for voice calls. Finding the right combination of analog/digital speaker/microphone turned out to be impossible. But if you're willing to wire in your own ADC/DAC (or do D/A conversion in software - ick), you might be able to find your way to a workable solution. (Note: Using an Android device as a modem is just as bad a non-solution as using an Adroid phone in the first place.)