Speaking of 'your ideas here', now that the p9f has some formal structure, it might be worth looking into OSUOSL hosting. If you plan to ramp up users, that'll come with a rise in i/o on contrib, and hosting costs. The folks at OSUOSL provide a good service to projects in this regard and OSU students participate in operations as a learning exercise. They also have several architectures available for e.g. platform testing. More here https://osuosl.org/services/hosting/details/
As for trivial on-ramps, SDF hosts 'boot camps' with the explicit intent of being such an on-ramp. Users are provided VMs to use, and there are talks and exercises and contests that involve putting Plan 9 skills to use. I recommend partnering with them! More at https://sdf.org/plan9/ khm ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T8f7df88ae8914b7d-M1e8e216be3f8406fc8a940e5 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription