On Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 06:44:07PM +0000, Steve Simon wrote:
> we could call it 9news :-)

It is a WIP with kerTeX (and I hope I'd be able to explain this during IWP9 
to put all the pieces together:

- Have the TeX (in fact: prote, a modification, written by me, that
provides the supplementary primitives needed by LaTeX) engine do the

- Have the METAFONT extracted routines doing the RIP.

A first step will be to make TeX able to be used as roff (the roff
macros will stay the same, but this will be TeX that will do the macro
handling---not the other text utils---and DVI will be extended for the two
missing roff primitives), and to see, after, how far can TeX be used to
process an xml based (html) language (like any macro set in fact).

I find it always useful to try to push something to the limits (to
assess them)---may be funny; I mean: Peter principle: a general
practioner knows few on a lot of things; a specialist knows a
lot on few things; take to the limit: the general
practitioner knows nothing about everything, while the specialist
knows everything about nothing.

> > On 18 Jan 2025, at 11:58 am, Bakul Shah via 9fans <9fans@9fans.net> wrote:
> > 
> > Random thought:
> > May be this can be extended/evolved into a "displayPDF kernel", which
> > can open up other uses such as a GUI, a better windowing system etc.
> > 
> > I'm sure you guys must've thought of such things!
> > 

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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