my comment on the logos

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From: ron minnich <>
Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: still looking for a logo?
To: <>

Put them both up if you want. The first one you mentioned had the
orangy flavor of nixie tubes. The second one is nice and compact, and
I like the way the cat is only partially seen.

My wife preferred the second one with the orangy color from the first one.

Also, the logo does a really good job of evoking nixie tubes. But, to
make the look perfect, if you can, would be neat to have
N on top, I in middle, X in back -- on ALL of them -- then have the
desired letter really stand out. So, e.g., on the middle one, the 'I'
would be faintly visible in from of the N, and in the last one, the N
and I faintly visible in from of the X. Easy for me to say, I'm not
the one doing this beautiful work!


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