git/merge might work a bit faster, but making it smarter was on the list
of things I wanted to get to right before my 9front laptop broke :P

Both merge and rebase, IIRC, will try comparing every path on either
side (or all three sides for 3-way merges, rather), even if e.g. the
parent directory doesn't exist.

So if you do e.g.

% mkdir /tmp/foo
% cd /tmp/foo
% git/init
% touch foo
% git/add foo
% git/commit -m 'initial commit' foo
% git/branch -nb front tmp
# Copy the entire Go tree in here
% clone -v /tmp/go/* .
% git/add go
% git/commit -m 'add go' go
% git/branch front

Any merge you do between these two branchs will check EVERY PATH IN THE
GO TREE, even though go only exists on one side.

What we basically need is for diff3 or merge to take in the roots, and
walk the tree intelligently, writing off entire directories rather than
attempting every child.

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