Thanks for the good questions.

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 4:10 PM andreas.elding via 9fans
<> wrote:
> How was it presented to the users? Could they query to see the current 
> utilization of the system?

It looked very normal. To see what was running, you did ps. In the
status, you could see that a process was on an AC. It looked a lot
like a wired proc, save that no kernel code would run and interrupt a
process on an AC. If you are familiar with plan 9 libthread, or
goroutines, it was taking that non-preemptive idea just a bit further:
your proc owned the core, until you were done.

BTW, there are 512- and 1024-core risc-v systems in the works, and NIX
looks pretty good for that kind of CPU.

> How did you know that a job completed (or failed)?

Just as with a process; you read /proc/pid/wait. It was very transparent.

> You mentioned it was a shared memory system, meaning it was in essence a 
> "very large SMP machine" from the view of the OS?

Yes, with a slight change in view: the AC looked like a CPU, and there
was shared memory, and it was coherent, but the AC scheduling was a
different bit of code than normal process scheduling.

> Could the NIX system only work with shared memory systems like that, or was 
> it possible to take many smaller independent systems and combine their 
> resources?

My original idea in spring 2011, after talking to Shalf at LBL, was
that we might have CPUs with hardware FIFOs communicating. When I got
to lsub, Charles made the point: "you have a shared memory machine,
might as well use it" -- and that made a lot of sense. So we used
shared memory, and avoided a lot of headaches that Charles, jmk, Eric,
and  I had dealt with on Blue Gene.

> Anything you can say about the actual usage would be quite interesting - what 
> kind of applications are we talking? Was there commercial interest?

Nobody used it. In 2006, there was a strong move to Linux, but there
was still room for non-Linux approaches. By 2011, that option was
almost gone. I gave talks on NIX and Plan 9 for about 10 years at
various DOE labs, conferences, and universities; there was always
interest, but "not Linux" became harder and harder to overcome. My
last talk on NIX was 6 months after I left Sandia for Google, and it
was more of a history lesson than anything.


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