
In the original thread message, rminnich is asking for wpa2 passwords, so I 
assume you need ot for connecting your laptop to a network - which is an 
important point in this thread, if you need the wpa2 keys to be able to network 
in the first place.

Running auth/factotum is generally the official way to query secstore for 
secrets, but secstore is a server, for which you need an existing network 

It is however possible to run factotum without connecting to the secstore 
server, and fill it with your own secrets:

auth/factotum -n
cat mysecrets | read -m > /mnt/factotum/ctl

The read -m is needed so each secret gets its own write. Instead of catting the 
file directly it is possible to encrypt it. The encrypted file needs to be 
stored somewhere in physical reach (not via network), for example a thumb drive 
or a local disk file.

After running that and establishing your wifi connection, you can just fill the 
existing factotum with your secstore secrets, or just run a new auth/factotum 
(without -n) before starting rio, or whatever you like.

Note that (at least on 9front systems) it is possible to specify a single wpa2 
key in the plan9.ini file, and it would be possible to put your wpa2 keys in 
the boot paq file.


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