I had imported a patch[1], that is equal sign improvement, from p9p's
rc for 9legacy at that time.

[1]: https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/lufia/plan9/pull/8.diff

If someone would like.

2024年9月30日(月) 22:54 Russ Cox <r...@swtch.com>:
> Hi all,
> In plan9port, back in 2020, I wrote a new parser in rc to clean up a few 
> things, most notably that = signs are now allowed in command arguments. This 
> makes rc much nicer for using programs with -foo=bar flag syntax. It was 
> pointed out to me that I may not have announced it here, so I'm belatedly 
> mentioning it now, in case the Plan 9 distributions want to pick it up.
> https://groups.google.com/g/plan9port-dev/c/AS8acHti7eo/m/0tZF7h7FBQAJ
> (three relevant commits linked there)
> While I'm writing, another interesting plan9port change is that I made 
> shift-right-click in acme search backward from the current position. This is 
> very helpful when you are cycling through many results and go one step too 
> far. To pick that up, the Plan 9 mouse driver would have to be updated to 
> treat shift-click as adding 5 to the usual button number. (That is, the 
> normal buttons are 0 1 2 3 4, and the shifted ones are 5 6 7 8 9.)
> https://github.com/9fans/plan9port/commit/0c79c32675e83ff3d87d5bf52082652d85486a45
> Best,
> Russ
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