If you look at the top of the file you'll see: /* * Mirror one arena partition onto another. * Be careful to copy only new data. */
Now if you combine this with some of the information from venti(8): The data log is logically split into sections called arenas, typically sized for easy offline backup (e.g., 500MB). A data log may comprise many disks, each storing one or more arenas. Such disks are called arena partitions. Arena par- titions are filled in the order given in the configuration. My best guess is that this is an incremental backup tool, where you give it a source and destination arena partition and the code looks at both, figures out the deltas, then copies over only what is needed. The venti code is a bit inscrutable and I'm no venti guy so take this with a grain of salt. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tca0eb0fbb2404e31-M193f031acea0a531d106af6c Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription