Thanks for the hints.

I don't believe that this is a disk full error,
since it's a fresh install on a 16GB SATADOM.

Now following crash during mk:
       rc: 2819: suicide: sys: trap: fault read addr=0x965708 pc=0x0000b5d9
       mk: 8c -FTVw pcf.rootc.c : exit status=rc 2819: suicide: sys: trap: 
fault read addr=0x965708 pc=0x0000b5d9

So I tried acid.
        % acid 2819
        /proc/2819/text:386 plan 9 executable
        acid: src(0x0000b5d9)
                471                     int n;
                473                     if(f<0 || f>=NFD)
                474                             return 0;
                475             Again:
                >476            if(dir[f].i==dir[f].n){ /* read */
                477                             free(dir[f].dbuf);
                478                             dir[f].dbuf = 0;
                479                             n = dirread(f, &dir[f].dbuf);
                480                             if(n>0){
                481                                     if(onlydirs){
        acid: stk()
        <stdin>:2: (error) no stack frame: './acid' file does not exist

I have no idea what that means.
Also, I don't understand acid well enough to use correctly, so i need to play 
more with it.

What's interesting is, when I set the window to 'noscroll', run mk, and 
scroll down the window, I get the kernel build without crashing.
If I scroll down too fast, it crashes.


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