about venti: probably nobody got around to removing it.
send a patch.

more seriously: i have no clue what might be wrong with venti, cause i
haven't used it for decades.
the papers for venti and fossil are nice btw, i have nothing against
the concept, rather i'm all for it, in theory.

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 7:33 PM Lucio De Re <lucio.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Factually, Fossil is no big deal. Its design shortcomings have been raised in 
> the past from the Bell Labs side and the documentation (for Venti, I think, 
> but it's not very important) suggests that Fossil was knocked together as a 
> minimal Venti cache so the benefits of Venti could be utilised and the old 
> file system could be abandoned.
> I somehow missed that discussion at the time and never went back to find out 
> how it panned out. But it sure feels with hindsight that Fossil became the 
> trigger for the 9front schism and that would explain the sensitivity on 
> either side. It's a shame, because the Venti potential remains unrealised as 
> there isn't the Fossil bridge (where development is continuing, in 9front) to 
> a better, full functionality file system that includes Venti backing storage.
> Which brings me to the question I have been meaning to ask: what scope does 
> Venti serve in the absence of Fossil? I appreciate that VAC is a handy form 
> of archiving, but does it justify the complexity of configuring and 
> maintaining a Venti archive? I know that vacfs has some failings I haven't 
> had the opportunity or the inclination to investigate, but exhibit themselves 
> only in P9P - in my experience. So is Venti only a trophy application, or are 
> there serious uses for it among the 9front community?
> Lucio.
> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 7:04 PM Jacob Moody <mo...@posixcafe.org> wrote:
>> On 5/15/24 11:20, Don Bailey wrote:
>> >
>> > I have zero emotional attachment to Fossil. What I am asking for, not even 
>> > demanding, is a fact-based assessment of the asserted issue. Pointing at 
>> > the code is not an emotional attachment. It's literally the opposite. It's 
>> > asking to demonstrate and document the issues, instead of asserting that 
>> > something is awful because /you/ have had an emotional reaction to it 
>> > failing. How did it fail? Can you reproduce it? What code is bad? Why is 
>> > the code bad? If you can't answer these questions, maybe you
>> > shouldn't have removed it.
>> The emotional accusation I understand, it really seems like it's just fossil 
>> that evokes this
>> reaction out of people. Just fossil that makes people want us to prove 
>> without any reason of doubt that the
>> code should have been removed. I also just don't understand why people are 
>> so attached to fossil.
>> Is it because people feel like there is a high burden of evidence for 
>> touching the holy code
>> as ordained by bell labs? We didn't want it so it went. If you think this is 
>> actually a
>> mistake and there is a world of possibility to be had thanks to fossil in 
>> Plan 9 I encourage
>> you to maintain fossil yourself and prove to us that we were wrong in 
>> thinking it was dead weight.
>> I want to specifically compare the discussion that happened on this thread 
>> between p9sk1
>> and fossil. We think that no one should be using p9sk1, and so we spent the 
>> time to explain
>> to others the very real, concrete and specific issues with the code and 
>> implementation.
>> We are not telling any other user of Plan 9 to not use fossil if they'd 
>> like, we simply don't want to
>> deal with it in 9front. I think the burden of proof you are putting on us to 
>> make this
>> decision would only make sense if we were advocating for other distributions 
>> and current
>> users of fossil to no longer use it. It's fine, we're just not interested in 
>> it, sorry.
>> As I, and others, have pointed out now a couple of times. Adding fossil back 
>> to 9front
>> is trivial. Perhaps you haven't had the experience of having to sit in irc 
>> and help
>> new users get going with the system who really don't have opinions about 
>> anything and
>> then dealing with the outcomes when things blow up. As you said fossil is 
>> not exactly
>> easy to deal with, it needs a lot of special consideration. So why then are 
>> you complaining
>> that 9front made the decision to remove that option for the uninformed user? 
>> Does it not
>> make more sense to direct users towards a filesystem that is more resilient 
>> and requires
>> less watering?
>> All of this is entirely moot with gefs right around the corner. I can't 
>> imagine someone
>> willingly want to use fossil with gefs as a (soon to be) alternative.
> --
> Lucio De Re
> 2 Piet Retief St
> Kestell (Eastern Free State)
> 9860 South Africa
> Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
> Cell: +27 83 251 5824
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