> I suggested that the sources could be included in the distribution, so they 
> would not fork-rot as they are doing presently. It's always been the case 
> that the Plan 9 distribution included "broken" sources that could not be 
> compiled without external support, but were interesting enough to be 
> published.

this is a good point, and this is exactly the kind of arguments that i
would like to see more of on 9fans.

> That changed some when Alef was dropped and in fact I saved the Alef 
> development stuff and ported it to 3ed and 4ed because I disagreed with the 
> decision. Note that I made a sweeping generalisation, for simplicity, much 
> was discarded between 2ed and 4ed, and I find all that quite regrettable.

Interesting, thanks for sharing some of that history.

> I am certain that Cinap had good reasons for removing Fossil, but I'm not 
> sure you have painted the entire picture for this audience. No matter, of 
> course, 9front will be what 9front will be.

I agree with you that maybe "removing Fossil" was a little bit overly
dramatic, and maybe the goal was indeed to send a strong message with
this act.
otoh, i can understand the anger, after countless people lost their
data, trusting that fossil is certified by bell-labs and "totally

> I'm not going to argue with the semantic subtleties of "bad" as you interpret 
> it, but I will privately consider your judgement and interpret your postings 
> with a bias parallel to the one you have displayed toward me so far.

i hope you can reconsider for the sake of technical professionalism.

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