Out of curiosity regarding your problem at hand Lucio : You could use 9vx on 9legacy to establish a connection directly. You said you have an optical drive on your old machine so why don't you just use the 9legacy CD ROM ? You could also put your drive in an external hd case and access it running 9legacy (qemu or bare metal) or 9vx.
Creating a recovery stick of 9legacy to boot from an USB stick is also possible with 9vx or 9legacy with some tweaks simply integrated in a pre mk script is also no big deal. Did you solve your problem or do you need further details if so could you perhaps decide for on solution strategy ? If you just need to connect to a working plan9 I don't get the reason why you don't use 9legacy or 9vx instead of 9front. Perhaps I missed some reasoning. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tde2ca2adda383a3a-M4c073a7a5f8954879334e1d2 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription