We're applying again! This is Google's 20th Summer of Code. In brief: • Applications close Tuesday • We need mentors • We *especially* need project ideas from people who can mentor them
The application window closes on Tuesday, and I'll be finishing up our formal application in the next day or so. As is the case every year, the most critical part of an application is the org's ideas page[1]. We've got some great ideas already from folks who've been involved in GSoC in the past, but more are always welcome. If you've got an idea you'd like to work with a student on for the summer, please let us know! You can either put them on the wiki directly (please preserver the format!) or mail me (on list or off). While ideas themselves are interesting, please note that, in this context, they're a lot more useful if you are prepared to mentor them (or have talked to someone who is). If you're interested in mentoring, please let me know! Bringing your own project idea is great, but we can also use more experienced, eager folks to pair up with new contributors on other projects. Each project gets a primary and backup mentor. We've got an overview page[2], and all the program details are on Google's GSoC page[3], and you might be interested in the program timeline[4] in particular. One notable change to the program: there are now *three* project sizes: small (expected to take about 90 hours), medium (about 175), and large (about 350, the "traditional" GSoC projects). For GSoC overall, this is mostly about making the program more accessible to more people; for us, in particular, I think it has some real potential to open up our project types, as in past years we've had to dismiss some otherwise strong ideas that weren't enough to justify a summer's work. You can read more about that in Google's announcement of the 2024 program[5]. Your friendly neighborhood org admin, Anthony [1] https://p9f.org/wiki/gsoc-2024-ideas/index.html [2] http://p9f.org/wiki/gsoc/index.html [3] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com [4] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline [5] https://opensource.googleblog.com/2023/11/google-summer-of-code-2024-celebrating-20th-year.html ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tbbe21f8a62e56895-M2a11c66b698c6387b991587e Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription