i tried it, downloading 9legacy, compiling fossil and using the following script from ori to format a fossil file-system:
ori → http://okturing.com/src/17908/body <-- there's the script and fossil successfully starts up and is mounted: term% cat fossiltest.rc #!/bin/rc fossil/flfmt $1 fossil/conf -w $1 <<EOF fsys main config fsys main open -AWP fsys main create /active/adm adm sys d775 create /active/adm/users adm sys 664 users -w srv -p fscons.test srv fossil.test EOF fossil/fossil -f $1 mount -c /srv/fossil.test /n/fossil term% dd -if /dev/zero -bs 1kk -count 100 > /tmp/test.fossil 100+0 records in 100+0 records out term% ./fossiltest.rc /tmp/test.fossil fs file is mounted via devmnt (is not a kernel device); are you sure? [y/n]: y fsys: dialing venti at net!$venti!venti warning: connecting to venti: cs: file does not exist: '/lib/ndb/dnschallenge.ip' nuser 5 len 84 term% ls /n/fossil /n/fossil/adm term% du -a /n/fossil 1 /n/fossil/adm/users 1 /n/fossil/adm 1 /n/fossil -- cinap ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tac8d983292c826c1-M5faadbe20043e8e93b23e61e Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription