Poking around with Plan 9 for the first time ever, so forgive the PEBKACiness.

Trying to get the contrib/install command installed, running

    % 9fs sources
    % mkdir -p /dist/replica/client
    % /n/sources/contrib/fgb/root/rc/bin/contrib/install fgb/contrib

However, it immediately fails with an error:

    test: unexpected operator/operand: -w
    cannot write in /dist/replica

It looks like that's coming from line 43:

    if(! test -d /dist/replica -w)

Indeed, my test(1) doesn't seem to support such syntax. Is this a version
problem? Any pointers would be appreciated.

Obligatory version information:

    % Last build and install from here
    % cat /dist/plan9front/.git/refs/heads/front

- B. Wilson

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