thank you moody! 'bind -a '#P' /dev' did the trick! i appreciate the feedback. thanks to all for your time.
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 4:13 PM <> wrote: > > Resending this through the web interface because my email was dropped. > > Temperature stats are read from /dev/cputemp. How that file is served depends > on your system. > On my machine the file is just in arch(3), other machines use acpi(8) to > serve this. > You just need to ensure this file is in the namespace stats(1) is run within. > > > For getting the temperature of the machine you are connecting to, either: > % bind -a '#P' /dev # if your machine is like mine > % aux/acpi # if your machine uses acpi > > You will likely have more success in just cracking open the code and reading > it then you will with google. > > moody > > > 9fans / 9fans / see discussions + participants + delivery options Permalink ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options: