A simple data grid using the Inferno operating system
Brian Hancock <https://www.emerald.com/insight/search?q=Brian Hancock>

Library Hi Tech <https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0737-8831>

ISSN: 0737-8831

On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 3:33 PM <type9fr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i have been learning plan 9 for about a week now through a 9front install
> on a spare laptop. i’m really falling for it, especially as someone who
> loves shell and unix. i’m here to get some advisement on what my best
> options would be for making a plan 9 grid, as a university student. i want
> to have a server for my documents, ebooks, music, and images, as well as a
> persistent IRC client and maybe even a mail server. most importantly, i
> want to be able to access the grid remotely: from my laptop in class for
> example (same network) and maybe down the line from anywhere, over
> internet. there are a number of things in the way of that, the first being
> my dorm room does not have an ethernet outlet. i think mine is the only one
> on my floor that doesn’t. second, my building loses power frequently, which
> is not ideal for hosting servers; power aside, it would still lose internet
> connection. the third problem is less adverse, but the network requires
> devices to be authenticated to get online. i get around this by
> authenticating on a dummy computer with a mac address spoofer.i have no
> idea if i could easily connect to local IP’s on the network, but i doubt
> it. so that would make it much more difficult/inconvenient to host on
> campus. also, the school explicitly forbids hosting servers on the school
> network.
> does anyone see a favorable way to set up a plan 9 grid, either on campus
> or an alternative? the biggest hurdle is definitely getting the grid on the
> university network where it can be connected to locally, or getting it out
> of the network and online. also i know the sdf plan 9 bootcamp just ended,
> and i’m aware of 9gridchan, but i don’t know if they’re really going to be
> useful for my demands. those two communities seem more oriented towards
> being an introduction to plan 9 and less towards using it or ‘switching’ to
> it. plus i don’t want to dump files onto someone else’s drives.
> anyways, thank you for your time reading this, if you need me to check x
> by doing y as the means of finding a solution, i’m happy to do so.
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