On 8/2/22, Clout Tolstoy <tolstoycl...@gmail.com> wrote: > Years ago I worked at a non-profit called FreeGeek (in Portland, Oregon > USA) . We used to do grants for computers and sent some over to Uganda, > amongst other places. I'm not sure of their current status on their grant, > but it could be worth a shot. You might be able to get the hardware for > free, and grants for shipping through someone else. > That is a kind response and I will let you know what will come of it.
My biggest problem, which may be more my own flawed psychology than any real obstacle, is that I want some kind of succession planning up front, rather than create a need I alone can fulfil (I'm not young and I can see the gentle wear and tear having its impact on my abilities). In fact, what I'm trying to establish is a community that can absorb as much as I am able to guide them toward. For now, my efforts are on identifying those analytical skills I found so useful in my own education. I get to see a lot of youths, but few real gems that are also interested in analytical thinking. Lucio. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Te178b97d94173ff8-M1e52e938e9ebd2e5f571af6d Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription