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On 7/31/22, a...@sdf.org <a...@sdf.org> wrote:
> https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005003167747779.html
> First time using usb/ether, so let me share my experience for other users.
> This is on the last 9pi image at 9legacy.
> First, I added a line with did=0x8153 to /sys/src/cmd/usb/usbd/usbdb.
> Browsing the list's archives I thought that ether1=type=usb should be
> added to the configuration file (cmdline.txt on the pi), but etherusb
> wasn't in the link section of the pi4 kernel configuration file, so #l1
> wasn't created. I added, compiled the kernel and then a dummy #l1 was
> created, impossible to configure. I could use manually usb/ether and
> configure the device mounted in /net, but usbd didn't detect the usb
> card. Then I removed the ether parameters in cmdline.txt and etherusb
> from pi4 to be sure, now usbd recognize the card and creates the
> device /dev/etherU0. Other programs expect the devices mounted in
> /net. I'm binding the device inside a directory in /tmp and then
> binding this directory to /net. I would appreciate if someone shares
> the correct way of doing this.
> In summary, the sequence was:
> ether1=type=usb in plan9.ini (cmdline.txt)
> etherusb in kernel config
> #l1 is created but useless
> usbd doesn't work because etherusb
> usb/ether works and the device appears on /net/
> remove ether1=type=usb and etherusb from the kernel
> now usbd works but the device doesn't appear on /net but on /dev
> I finally made it work, but this is a mess, really.

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