Many years ago, David Eckhardt’s group at CMU had it running, although when I 
played with it the hardware support was minimal. They took an interesting 
approach to using the openfirmware for driver mediation, IIRC. I don’t believe 
it was ever publicly released, although they were being pretty liberal with 
“guest” access.

I wonder if anything has changed about it’s releasability. Prof. Eckhardt would 
likely be able to say more/better.

> On Jul 28, 2022, at 19:29, Thaddeus Woskowiak <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am curious if there is a port of plan 9 to the Apple Power Mac
> series of computers, more specifically the 64 bit G5 machines but also
> the 32 bit G3/G4. I saved a G3 imac, two G4 towers, and two G5's from
> the scrap heap when a friend moved. I'd like for them to be useful.
> Cheers
> -taw

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